About Me

My Instagram profile probably says it best.

In almost no particular order: wife, mom, pottery maker, manager, music lover, joke maker, procrastinator, sister, daughter, and friend.

I have always had a curiosity about pottery. In the early 2000s, I went to a festival in my town and the local Art Museum had a tent where potters were throwing pots. I was mesmerized. I grabbed a pamphlet and promised myself I would sign up for a class. Years went by, children grew, bills needed to be paid, etc… Life happened. And then, I got divorced.

Now, this isn’t a sad story. Divorce was no picnic, but one of the things that came out of it was I realized I had not fulfilled my promise to myself. So a quick google search later, I saw that that same museum was providing classes and I signed up and never looked back!

That was 5 years ago.

I moved away from the museum in 2021, got remarried, and now I make and fire my work in my home, in Monroe, GA. I still work a full-time job while throwing pots as a hobby.

But I love it. And I’m glad you’re here; I hope you enjoy the work as much as I enjoyed making it.